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Friday, February 8, 2019

What is data filter in MS Excel

What is data filter?
Data filter is functionality to apply search criteria. Suppose you want to search some data with some specific name then you will be able to search.

Example:- Suppose you have data with multiple bank and a column you have bank then you can apply
Filter on bank column to see data of state bank only or any other bank which you will select.

How to apply filter in MS EXCEL?
Steps are given below:-

Step1:-Click on DATA tab in EXCEL.
Step2:- Select column to apply filter you want.
Step3:- Click on Filter option now filter will be applied on selected column.
Step4:- At first column you will see filter drop down will be seen .
Step5:- Click on this to search some specific name and select to filter out.
Step6: -You can apply here custom filter also by clicking on filter drop down.

Please see in GIF  example:-

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