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Monday, February 4, 2019

How to Add Subtract Multiply And Divide In Excel

How to Add, Substract , Multiply and divide in Excel? 

Example1:- Sum formula

a)Above sum function will add all given 3 cells.
b)You can write direct  by equal sign.
c)Third one will add values from A2 to A20 i.e. in range addition

Example2:- Subtract formulas

a)Above sum function will add and subtract.
b)You can write direct  by equal sign.
c)Third one will add and subtract values from A2 to A20 i.e. in range addition subtraction
negative values will be subtracted.

Example3:- Multiply formulas
“=PRODUCT(C1:C3, 3)”

a)Above multiply function will multiply direct
b)Multiply in range C1 to C3.
c)Multi ply in range from c3 to c1 and after in last multiply total with 3.

Example4:- Divide formulas
Note:  There is no DIVIDE function in Excel.
divide  C1 with C3.

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