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Saturday, December 29, 2018

What is HTML Elements

HTML elements are made with start and end tags.
<tagname>contents or any other element</tagname>

Some important things related to element is below:-

1.HTML elements can be nested also as below.

   <title>My page title</title>

2.HTML elements are not case sensitive. This means you can use small letter
 or capital letter as you wish. Bydefault you should try to use lowercase letters.


3.In html elements closing tag is not mandatory but we should write for proper
 validation. At the time of parsing there may be chance to show abnormal behaviour
to render graphics on pages.

Example of some elements:-
Elements basically uses first letter for readability.For example paragraph element is <p></p>.

<html> for defining whole document.
<body> document body.
<h1>  for heading
<p>  for paragraph
<br> for break line

Try HTML Elements Example in Editor

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