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Saturday, December 29, 2018

HTML JavaScript

What is javascript in HTML?

JavaScript is scripting technology for web browser to event handling and make web pages more dynamic.

which Tag we use for write script?

<script> tag used for writing script.

Syntax to write script:-
//java script codes.

document.getElementById("myid").innerHTML = "Hi brother!";

By JavaScript you can change HTML content, HTML style and HTML attribute.

document.getElementById("myid").innerHTML = "Hi brother!";
document.getElementById("demo").style.fontSize = "25px";
document.getElementById("image").src = "picture.gif";

What is noscript?
noscript is tag <noscript>

Syntax for noscript tag is:-
<noscript>content msg</noscript>

<noscript>Message content for display information when js disabled.</noscript>

What is use of noscript tag?
</noscript> tag use for display text message on page in two condition.
1.when user disable javascript in their browser .
2.if browser not support javascript.

Edit HTML JavaScript Example in Editor

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